「歐盟的價值不是『自助餐台,可以讓成員國挑挑揀揀』」。歐州委員會秘書長戴維斯(Terry Davis)十月二日抨擊波蘭歧視同性戀的時候這樣說。我花了一點時間終於找出來這個讓我「眼睛為之一亮,心底為之一笑」的英文原句:「These values are not a smorgasbord from which governments can pick and choose as they like.








很好笑的事情是,對於這些「基本教義」的基督教徒和天主教徒,聖經原來也是自助餐台呢!因為他們就只挑某些章節出來說嘴,其他會刺到自己的章節就完全不提。譬如說,在創世紀索多瑪的故事之中,把因為驕傲,不虔敬,沒有同情心而受罰扯成因為整個城都行同性性行為而被誅滅。但是卻對於利未記之中諸多不潔和應當獻祭贖罪的行為視而不見。好嘛,如果你說聖經是金科玉律,那麼就一律適用呀!女子月經就是不潔,她碰過的、坐過的、採過的、踏過的通通都不潔。那你就每天都小心翼翼地去好好看看自己碰過的、坐過的、採過的、踏過的都沒有被有正月經中的女子給觸碰到吧!可是,說到這個的時候,「基本教義」信徒就開始有選擇了哩!說這個是舊約時代的曆法,現代已經不適用了!又說主耶穌基督的寶血已經洗淨了人過去的罪惡,blah blah blah…這不就是只挑挑揀揀一些自己愛的,然後對於自己不愛的就大家撻伐嘛?我還真不知道主耶穌基督有這樣教導過人哩!


回到戴維斯的發言,其中有一句話很好:「Genuine tolerance requires acceptance, understanding and respect.」真正的包容是需要接受,了解以及尊重的!尤其對於與自己不同的人、事、物,我們應當時時捫心提醒自己。

歐洲委員會抨擊波蘭歧視同性戀 (2nd October 2006: BBC中文網)








Use the compass to find the right way
by Terry Davis, Secretary General of the Council of Europe
(2nd October 2006, Council of Europe)

A year ago, I was one of many people in Europe and around the world who thoroughly enjoyed the Polish riposte against the negative rhetoric in the run-up to the French Referendum on the European Union Constitution. The handsome Polish plumber telling the French that he was staying at home but inviting them to visit was a masterpiece of public relations and an effective response to xenophobic messages in France.

But a few months ago, I was considerably less amused by some of the news coming from Poland. The wave of intolerance targeting especially gays and homosexuals, came as a surprise and was in stark contrast to the positive image of an open and modern society which used to give a lesson in tolerant behaviour to its European neighbours. I was particularly disappointed by some politicians who endorsed and propagated homophobic views instead of standing up against the language of prejudice and hate.

To be perfectly honest, the image is not entirely black and white. Unlike some other capitals in Europe which continue to violate the right to the freedom of assembly guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights, a Gay Pride Parade in Warsaw was not only authorised this year, but took place without incident. But to tolerate – grudgingly - those who are different is not enough because genuine tolerance requires acceptance, understanding and respect. In the Council of Europe, we are not in the business of imposing values on anyone because this would be meaningless and counter-productive. In any truly open and democratic society these values are embraced, not pushed down people’s throats.

The key is education, and the Council of Europe has developed a multitude of tools and programmes to help our member states in teaching the values which our Organisation was set up to defend and extend. One of them is Compass, a manual on human rights education for young people, produced by the Directorate of Youth and Sport of the Council of Europe on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights. Since its first publication, Compass has been translated into thirteen languages, from Spanish to Arabic.

In May 2005, the Polish version of Compass was launched on the occasion of the Council of Europe Summit in Warsaw, and we were all very proud. A year later, the new Polish Minister of Education dismissed the Director of the government agency which financed and distributed the manual, and we were all very puzzled. Reportedly, the Minister objected to the Compass chapter on homosexuality and homophobia.

Naturally, I asked the Polish authorities for a clarification of a decision which seemed, to put it mildly, unusual in the light of Poland’s membership in the Council of Europe and its commitment to the values it represents. These values are not a smorgasbord from which governments can pick and choose as they like.

I have now received a reply from the Polish authorities, but I am afraid that their arguments fail to fully alleviate my concern of government sanctioned homophobic behaviour.

How this story will unravel, it is too early to say. If any individual’s human rights have been violated as a result of the government’s action or omission to act, the case may come to the European Court of Human Rights. Eventually, if no satisfactory explanation is provided, I will report the matter to the Committee of Ministers, and it will be to the member states’ governments to decide on whether and how they want to react. But at the end of the day, what is really important is what Poland does to honour its word to the Council of Europe and to its own citizens - not in response to external pressure – but out of Poles’ own sense of honesty and self-respect. As a friend of Poland for more than 60 years, I have no doubt that a country I like and admire will do the right thing and dispel any doubts about its commitment to freedom, tolerance and human rights.


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