Assume that you have available to you a 360-type computer and the following available input decks:
Deck A : A Basic Assembly Language (BAL) assembler written in binary code (machine language)
Deck B : A FORTRAN to BAL translator, written in BAL
Deck C : A FORTRAN program that will read data cards and print the square roots of the data
Deck D : A data deck for the square root program of deck C
In order to compute the square roots you will have to make four computer runs. The runs are described schematically below. Each run involves (reading from left to right ) an input deck that will be operated on by a program to produce an output deck. Of course, the output deck produced by one run may be used either the input deck or the program of a subsequent run.
In the figure below identify the unlabelled decks with the letters A,B,C,D,E,F,G.
| Input | Program (binary deck) | output |
| ┌─┐ |
#1 | ┌─┐ | │ | ┌─┐ |
| ┌─┐ |
#2 | ┌─┐ | │ | ┌─┐ |
| ┌─┐ |
#3 | ┌─┐ | │ | ┌─┐ |
| ┌─┐ |
#4 | ┌─┐ | │ |
Square roots of deck D |
板B:以基礎組合語言寫成的翻譯器,可將 Frotran 翻成 BAL