簡易安裝IRIX 6.5.X 教學


安裝IRIX 6.5.X,至少要有1.5G的硬碟空間


IRIX 6.5.X Foundation (2 of 2)
IRIX 6.5.X Overlays (3 of 3)
IRIX 6.5.X Applications



SCSI CDROM :scsi(X)cdrom(Y)


scsi (X) :____ cdrom (Y) :____


將Overlays (1 of 3)置入光碟機,根據你機器的IP來做fdisk的動作。

IP30 / IP27的機器請鍵入:

boot -f dksc(X,Y,8)sash64 dksc(X,Y,7)stand/fx.64 --x

IP19 / IP22 / IP25 / IP32的機器請鍵入:

boot -f dksc(X,Y,8)sashARCS dksc(X,Y,7)stand/fx.ARCS --x

以INDY R5000為例:IP22 / scsi (0) cdrom (3)

boot -f dksc(0,3,8)sashARCS dksc(0,3,7)stand/fx.ARCS --x


SGI Versions 6.5 ARCS
fx :device-name = (dksc)
fx :ctlr# = (0) (See Note below)
fx :drive# = (1) (See Note below)

...opening dksc(0,1,8)
...controller test ...OK
Scsi derive type = = SEAGATE ST34502LC 0005


--- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu) ---
[exit]t [d]ebug/ [l]abel/ [a]uto
[b]adblock/ [exe]rcise/ [r]epartition/ [f]ormat
fx> exe (此步驟可以偵測硬碟有無壞軌)


--- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu) ---
[b]utterfly [seq]uential [set]testpat
[e]rrlog [st]op_on_error [sh]owtestpat
[r]andom [m]iscompares [c]omplete

fx/exercise> seq
fx/exercise/sequential:modifier = (rd-only) wr-c
fx/exercise/sequential:starting block# = (0)
fx/exercise/sequential:nblocks = (888784)
fx/exercise/sequential:nscans = (1)
* * * * * WARNING * * * * *
sequential pass 1 :scanning [0, 8887848]
about to destroy data on disk dksc(0,1,0) ! ok? yes



--- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu) ---
[b]utterfly [seq]uential [set]testpat
[e]rrlog [st]op_on_error [sh]owtestpat
[r]andom [m]iscompares [c]omplete


--- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu) ---
[exit]t [d]ebug/ [l]abel/ [a]uto
[b]adblock/ [exe]rcise/ [r]epartition/ [f]ormat

fx> r (分配你的磁碟)


--- please choose one (? for help, .. to quit this menu) ---
[ro]otdrive [o]ptiondrive [e]xpert
[u]srrootdrive [re]size
fx/repartition> re (重新做磁區分割)

fx/repartition/resize:partition to change = (swap) (選擇一個替代的分割)

current: type raw base: 3597 cycls, 8125623 blks, 3968 Mb
len: 116 cycls, 262044 blks, 128 Mb

fx/repartition/resize :partitioning method = (megabytes(2^20)) (選擇分割的類型)

fx/repartition/resize :size in megabytes (max 4301)= (12 512
----- partitions-----
part type blocks Megabytes (base+size)
0: xfs 4096 + 7836252 2 + 3826
1: raw 7840348 + 1048576 3828 + 512
8: volhdr 0 + 4096 0 + 2
10: volume 0 + 8888924 0 + 4340

Use the new partition layout? (no) yes

[ro]otdrive [o]ptiondrive [e]xpert
[u]srrootdrive [re]size
fx/repartition> /exi (退出FX選項)

label info has changed for disk dksc(0,1,0). write out changes? (yes) yes


將Overlays (1 of 3)光碟置入光碟機中

進入系統畫面時進入Install System Software


WARNING: In some cases the installation stops on this line:

Unable to mount partition: /dev/dsk/dkscXdYs0 on /root
Press ENTER to invoke C shell csh#

Type this line in the prompt (Replacing X with the controller that your system disk is on (Generally 0 except on ONYX1 IR where it would be 1) and Y with the SCSI ID of your system disk (Generally 1)):

# mkfs /dev/rdsk/dksXdYs0

After some messages and the prompt come back, type:

# exit

Mounting file systems:
/dev/dsk/dksc0d1s0: Invalid argument

No valid file system found on: /dev/dsk/dksc0d1s0
This is your system disk: without it we have nothing on which to install software.

Make new file system on /dev/dsk/dks0d1s0 [yes/no/sh/help]: yes

About to remake (mkfs) file system on: /dev/dsk/dks0d1s0
This will destroy all data on disk partition: /dev/dsk/dks0d1s0
Are you sure? [y/n]: y
Block size of filesystem 512 or 4096 bytes? 512
meta-data =/dev/rdsk/dks0d1s0 isize=256 agcount=8 agsize=131246blks
data = bsize=4096 blck=1049963 imaxpct=25
log = internal log bsize=4096 blocks=1000
realtime = none bzise=65536 blocks=0 rtextents=0


Invoking software installation

Inst 3.6 Main Menu
1. from [source]
2. open [source]
3. close [source[
4. list [keywords] [names]
5. go
6. install [keywords] [names]
7. remove [keywords] [names]
8. keep [keywords] [names]
9. step [keywords] [names]
10. conflicts [choice ...]
11. help [topics]
12.view ...

Inst> 1 (選擇安裝的路徑)

Previous installation sites:
1. /CDROM/dist
2. none (no distribution. view installed products)
3. quit (no action)

Install software from: [/CDROM/dist]

more ? (h=help) q

Reading product descriptions .. 25%
Setting distribution to /CDROM/dist
Reading product descriptions .. 100% Done.

1. Place me on the maintenance stream
2. Place me on the feature stream
3. cancel

Enter a choice: 2 (基本上1也可以)

You can insert another CD (or specify the name of a different distribution) and press "Enter"

1. /CDROM/dist
2. done (distribution information read, return to inst prompt)


Install software from: [/CDROM/dist]

Reading product descriptions... 13%
Reading /root/var/inst/hist/
Reading product descriptions... 25%
Setting distribution to /CDROM/dist
Reading product descriptions... 100% Done.
subsystem installation messages)
You can insert another CD (or specify the name of a different distribution) and press "Enter"

1. /CDROM/dist/unbundled
2. /CDROM/dist
3. done (distribution information read, return to inst prompt)



Invoking software installation

Inst 3.6 Main Menu
1. from [source]
2. open [source]
3. close [source[
4. list [keywords] [names]
5. go
6. install [keywords] [names]
7. remove [keywords] [names]
8. keep [keywords] [names]
9. step [keywords] [names]
10. conflicts [choice ...]
11. help [topics]
12.view ...

Inst>keep *
Inst>install standard





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