Other than the famous Courthouse, there were some other things you can do or see in Santa Barbara.

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Friends say, “Oh, yeah, I read your blog; the food looks delicious!”

I argue that I also post other MEANINGFUL things, not just food.

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It took me three days. A very long “three days.”

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When I lived in Santa Monica, I parked my car on the street side. The only time you are not supposed to park is between noon and 2 pm on Thursday for street cleaning. Well, I had to work anyway, so I didn’t pay much attention to it.
Santa Monica 時,車子是停在馬路邊的,除了每週四中午至下午兩點要清掃街道,不能停外,其他時候都沒問題,反正我都要上班,所以也沒特別注意。

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It started out with bears . . .
一切緣起於熊 . . .

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What we called Sea Elephant is a seal, belonging to the same Pinnipeds relatives with Sea Lion and other kinds of seals.


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I just moved - yes, again, the 9th time in the past 10 years. 2 weeks ago, my new landlady Carolyn said that if I started to move boxes over, I would be able to see Cereus blossoms.
(沒錯過去 10 年中第 9 次搬)新房東 Carolyn 說後院 Cereus 開花她說如果我那一星期開始搬東西過去就可以賞

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Mission San Fernando, named after St. Ferdinand, King of Spain (1217-1252), is the only mission named after a Spanish king. This was the 17th in the CA-Mission Chain and was founded by Father Fermin Lasuen.

聖弗南多傳道院 以西班牙的聖弗南多國王 (1217-1252) 為名,也是唯一以西班牙國王之名來命名的傳道院;這是第 17 座加州傳道院,在 1797 9 8 日由 Fermin Lasuen 神父負責完成, 這也是他個人負責的第四座。

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To see goats at the Getty? Are you sure? Not art pieces?

(Anacapa Island)

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Hong-Chih Kuo would start Dodgers’ game and I really wanted to watch him pitch, so I asked my boss whether I could leave an hour earlier and make it up later.

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We boarded the 9 am boat for whale watching (there would be one at noon and one at 3 pm on Sunday – although every company has different schedules for weekday and weekend)

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The CA state flower is California poppy, which is also called Eschscholzia californica. Antelope Valley Californian Poppy Reserve is only an hour and a half away, so I really wanted to check it out during its peak season: March-May.

聽說加州州花是 poppy 知道它的保留區距我住的地方只要一個半小時便想趁著花季時 (March – May)去瞧瞧

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原本上網查了一家叫 Il Dolce Cafe 的早餐店,看好要點的 Omelet 平常要上班早餐都隨便, 想在到聖塔芭芭拉之旅前,來頓好的


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Do you know that a painting could avoid slaughter?


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有一天, 大表哥帶著在美國出生的妹妹出去散步

妹妹說: 爸爸, 那個人是走狗

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Father Junípero Serra built first mission in San Diego in 1769.Until 1823, there were 21 missions in total in California along El Camino Real – roughly Highway 101 today. Harsh weather and earthquakes certainly don’t help the reservation of the 21 California Missions but most of them are still functioning – church services, weddings and funerals.

Father Junípero Serra1769年起,在聖地牙哥蓋了一座傳道院,之後沿著太平洋北上到Sonoma (舊金山北邊一點) ,一路 興建傳道院,到1823年止,共建了21座;經過兩百多年的風吹日曬雨淋加地震,大致上是保留下來,現在統稱 21 California Missions

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We went to Pam’s Place for Thai food. The exterior didn’t look appealing at first glimpse - we heard good comments about it so we went.

到一家叫 Pam’s Place 的餐廳。評論多說它的外觀不起眼,不過很不錯吃。

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One of my best friends Kelly visited me in LA and we went out to several restaurants. This was Café Brasil. The outdoor looked great but it was too chilly for us to have dinner outside.


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Did you know that in 1500s, people thought the current state of California was an island?


The proof is on the mural in the Law Library inside the Santa Barbara Courthouse.

有圖為証: 在聖塔芭芭拉法院內的法律圖書館中,有一面牆壁上畫有當時的地圖

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My college buddy Flora visited me at the Getty and I took her to an Italian restaurant, Giovanni’s Trattori & Pizzeria. My roommate liked it; I also heard good thing about it from other’s blog.
佩頭來參觀 the Getty晚上帶她去吃一家叫Giovanni’s Trattori & Pizzeria 義大利餐廳看網路上部落格的介紹應該不錯

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