之前說要介紹Vienna Teng 
好友麥茶突然轉過頭來說「妳聽過Vienna Teng嗎? 」
「沒聽過…那是誰? 」
「我也不太清楚,不過她要來音樂廳表演,妳想不想去聽? 」
我都有可能會不加思索,非常衝動的說好,更何況是去聽某人的演唱會 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
所以在去聽Vienna 的表演之前,基本上只知道她是個女的,是個 singer-song writer (唱作家) ,加上從姓氏上猜想… 應該是華裔
(話雖如此,最近【色 。戒】的影評像蝗蟲過境一樣,不想看都塞的滿眼,真不知該用什麼心情去看電影)
演唱會是在我們城市歌劇院的小音樂廳舉行,它有一個蠻可愛的名字叫“The baby Grand”,是個親密溫馨只能容納大約三百人的小劇院
舞台不大,簡簡單單一台grand piano 放在中間。背景則是闃黑的絨布點綴著藍色與白色的小燈
這是一場one man show ,整場90分鐘的表演只有Vienna一人在舞台上,自己做足開場介紹、自彈自唱、串唱、結尾、謝幕、整套全包。 Vienna 的音樂包含了民族、古典、爵士,很難真的把它歸類於其中一項
在她的歌中你會聽到貝多芬、莫札特、Billy Joe、Tori Amos、Sarah McLachlan、Björk。哈哈,當然在這些大融合之後你真的聽到的是 Vienna Teng。如果真要歸類的話應該Chamber Folk會比較符合她的音樂風 (Chamber Folk:適合在小空間演奏的民族風音樂) 。至於她的音樂主題則包含了家庭、愛情、心情雜感、政治議題與社會現象。 
Vienna 小時候曾發誓她絕不寫跟愛情有關的歌,但長大後當然發現愛情還是有它為人所歌頌的原因。為了不完全背棄小時的誓言,你不會在她的歌詞中找到”love”這個字,而會用別的字來描述愛情這件事,例如她為了某個名叫Eric的前男友所寫的Eric’s song 

"Eric's Song" – Vienna Teng 

Strange how you know inside me 
I measure the time and I stand amazed 
Strange how I know inside you 
My hand is outstretched toward the damp of the haze 

And of course I forgive 
I've seen how you live
Like a phoenix you rise from the ashes 
You pick up the pieces 
And the ghosts in the attic 
They never quite leave 
And of course I forgive 
You've seen how I live 
I've got darkness and fears to appease 
My voices and analogies 
Ambitions like ribbons 
Worn bright on my sleeve 

Strange how we know each other 

Strange how I fit into you 
There's a distance erased with the greatest of ease 
Strange how you fit into me 
A gentle warmth filling the deepest of needs 

And with each passing day 
The stories we say 
Draw us tighter into our addiction 
Confirm our conviction 
That some kind of miracle 
Passed on our heads 
And how I am sure 
Like never before 
Of my reasons for defying reason 
Embracing the seasons 
We dance through the colors 
Both followed and led 

Strange how we fit each other 

Strange how certain the journey 
Time unfolds the petals 
For our eyes to see 
Strange how this journey's hurting 
In ways we accept as part of fate's decree 

So we just hold on fast 
Acknowledge the past 
As lessons exquisitely crafted 
Painstakingly drafted 
To carve ourselves instruments 
That play the music of life 
For we don't realize 
Our faith in the prize 
Unless it's been somehow elusive 
How swiftly we choose it 
The sacred simplicity 
Of you at my side 


下集終於寫好了: 再談Vienna Teng (史逸欣) – 下


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