~by 羅波



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~by 羅波

  前陣子看了本書叫 The Shack,我想如果我哪天要信教應該會信這作者筆下的基督教,我對這本書大致上的領悟是一個完全愛的世界,當一個人試著從神的角度看世界並跟神同步,就可以對世上各物有無盡的愛,就像對自己孩子一般無限包容的愛。這當然只是個才疏學淺門外漢粗淺的解析,想了解的人我是很推薦這本書,薄薄的很輕鬆就可以讀過,不過要挖寶可能就要多讀幾次了。我是看了這本書後才了解為什麼一些基督徒可以看似大言不殘的說神愛世人,並且提倡聖經中說的原諒人7次70次700次,他們並不是妄想,是誠心的相信。 


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~by 羅波

It's the first snow. It's a queer feeling to realize that snow will become a regular part of my life. Coming from Taiwan and California, I've had a hard time adjusting to the weather here. Chicago, the city of wind. Although this notorious alias originally came from the political inclination and characterization of Chicago politicians, it does suit what's its known for, the strong vicious gusts. I very much prefer the snow to rain, the latter disgusting, inconvenient and depressing. Snow on the other hand, is festive, pretty and entertaining. Also, its provides excuses to stock my closets with new clothes. After all, my former winter clothes collection only consisted of a ski jacket and a few fleece thermos, which was only sufficient to take me through November. 

Luckily, I made a trip to New York, the empire state. Oh god it was one of the delectable and relaxing 4 four days of my life. I promised myself that I won't miss Max Brenner and Black Hound whenever I visit. (Maybe I'll write a little something about those two places. We'll see.) But there I had the most satisfying quality meal of chocolate based dessert ever and the most well harmonized and creative apple cinnamon cake. It's called the Harvest Cake, located near 11th Street and 2nd Avenue.

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~by 羅波


You know, every once in a while you get into that wood that you are just annoyed. Nothing feels right and you are not sure what you want, but you know exactly what you don't want. I look at my bed and it looks softer and more comfy than ever, but I just took a nap. I drop my head and stare at my math notes, thinking, oh go to hell. I'm craving for food, but I don't want chocolate or noodles or jelly drink or energy bars. I pop up msn and it's the same people. Call me grumpy, tell me I'm complaining too much, but I just need a thrill. I guess you can call it routine-phobia. 

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~by 羅波


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~~by 羅波



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  • Jun 21 Sat 2008 23:44


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