
01 Eric Klarenbeek - Poekie, 2003

這隻貓的身體裡頭有機械裝置模擬貓高興時發出的呼嚕聲,以及呼吸的動作。 Klarenbeek 表示 “We use electronic devices on a daily basis, but we have absolutely no emotional contact with them,”

02 Michael Sans - Cuckoo Clock, 2006

脖子上有電子鐘的填充鳥, “It’s a real bird, but it’s not real because it’s dead. I don’t see much difference between this dead bird and plastic. I find it weird that people react so differently to this, than if it was plastic,” Sans 表示。

03 Miriam van der Lubbe and Niels van Eijk - Moulded mole slippers, 2004

鼴鼠拖鞋,“Most people think it’s okay to kill these animals if they destroy your garden,” , “But if, instead of throwing them away, you make a nice pair of slippers out of them, people say you have gone too far. I think that’s hypocritical.” van Eijk 表示。

04 Julia Lohmann - Flock, 2004


05 Sonia Marques - Tentative, 2003

槍型蠟燭, Marques 表示 “As I burn the design what I am also saying is that we need war stopped,” , “Symbolically, I am burning all weapons.” 。

06 Kathryn Hennessey - Gnomes with Guns, 2006

一個拿著槍的精靈(類似台灣的的土地公)瓷器彩繪裝飾物,“Putting something so innocent and something so dangerous together gives a shocking visual,” Hennessey 表示。

07 Philippe Starck - Gun Collection, 2005

鍍金來福槍燈,“Designed, manufactured, sold, dreamed about, purchased and used, weapons are our new icons,”  Starck 表示  “The Gun Collection is nothing but a sign for the times.”

08 Miriam van der Lubbe - Me and my Beretta, 1998

皮製女用包包,“We made it because we didn’t feel safe on the streets. We wanted to express this,” van der Lubbe 表示。

09 Suck UK - Gun Vase, 2003

三把槍構成的花瓶,“I don’t think there is any subject more relevant right now,”  Suck UK co-designer Sam Hurt 表示  “The world is a pretty fucked up place. If a few more guns were made of ceramic rather than steel perhaps it would be a nicer place.”

10 Studio Job - The Labyrinth Garden, 2005

這個頭骨雕像曾於米蘭家具展中 Post Mortem show 展出,“The Labyrinth Garden is a very strong symbol. You get lost in the skull.”。

11 Kristian van Kuijk - Tombstone, 2005

rapid-prototyped (RP快速成形)製作給網路上死掉的親朋好友用的墓碑。

12 Lesley van Berkel - Body Box, 2001


13 Tessa van Dam - The Glitter Girl, 2004

描寫得了霍奇金氏症的 Tessa van Dam 的生活的連環故事。

14 Nadine Jarvis - Bird feeders, 2006

人類骨灰、鳥食構成的餵食器,上面刻有死者的追悼文, “The ash is mixed with the bird food, causing the bird to eat the person,”  Jarvis 表示。

15 Hilde Koenders - Bleeding till Death, 2005

一朵躺在縮小醫院病床上的小花,點滴裡是有顏色的墨水, “I wanted to show the process of the dying flower,”  Koenders 表示 “The flower becomes more and more beautiful as it dies.” 。

icon - Design is evil November 2006 (一)

icon - Design is evil November 2006 (二)

icon - Design is evil November 2006 (三)



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